Welcome Homeschoolers to the Southern Museum of Flight. Our tour guides and historians recognize your unique teaching environment and we would love to be part of your Homeschooling experience. One of our tour guides and his wife are homeschoolers as well. Ask us to come to speak at a Homeschool Umbrella Group meeting and we will be happy to generate some interest for a field trip and speak to you about what we have to offer.
While we offer the same tours and programs to your groups as we do for other schools, we are well adapted to speak to a single group with a wide age difference as can often be the case when a homeschool group comes to the Museum. We welcome the opportunity to engage your children of all age groups in an exciting and activity-rich museum that tells the many interesting stories of Aviation in the South. Our tour guides can simplify complicated aerodynamics principles for your youngest students, and we can elaborate as necessary for your older, more advanced students. Of course the Museum is much more than aerodynamics and flying: Our tours are interdisciplinary and we make our stories come alive with history, science, math and even a bit of humor.

Some of our homeschool groups have asked the following questions:

How do I book a tour?
Just call us at 205 833 8226 and ask for one of our tour guides who will be happy to assist you in checking our calendar for availability. We recommend you contact your umbrella group to see what days they might consider, and have them email you if they will attend. While we normally consider 10 students as the smallest group, we understand that Homeschooling is all about flexibility, and we can book your group on a date at no obligation. Just let us know if you must cancel.

Feel free to call if you have other questions, we look forward to your visit.

Now that you have read the “Homeschool-specific” info, simply visit Tours & More page to get all the basics on programs we offer students.